View Full Version : Tuning
- Dyno tune Tampa Florida
- Jerry's Tuning Software via Superchips?
- Test & Tune
- Test & Tune 14.274
- Kudos to the Superchips tuning software.
- 2004 Reinhart Tuning....
- Dyno Tune help
- plug in tune?
- Performance Tuning Programing
- Dyno Tune in So. Florida?
- Tuning
- Tuning: 100% TCC application in 2nd?
- Dyno Tuning at MVII
- Questions concering Chips and tuning?
- Superchips 1725 Tuner
- Got a new tune... big gains...
- Having trouble downloading tune from PC
- Dyno tune in new england
- New Tuning Toy
- Reinhart Tune = Stout MM Motor
- 4.10 without tuning mods
- Question about Dennis' SCT tune
- ...What mods require a new tune?
- HP and A/F curve, tune questions
- Dyno tune question, car nearly stock
- A/F Tuning Adjustments
- Marauder Tuning
- Who ownes the tune?
- Tuning Program Question
- Tuning questions...
- Diablosport/Scott Beer Tune and Program
- Tune with stock gear.Y or N?
- New 4.10's and Reinhart Tune!
- SCT Tune and Dyno
- Emissions exam with a performance tune?
- lidio tune
- lidio tune on the way!!!
- Lidio Tune Installed
- Sniper Tuning Software
- Tuning question
- Diablo tune / Transmission
- wtf, do I have a tune?
- Help with Extreme Tune
- Driveability with 4.10's and stock tune?
- SCT tune & spark plug help
- Sniper Tuning
- Looking to buy a Tune??
- Tow with a Tune?
- 04 MM ECM Unlock fail during tune attempt
- Lidio Tune !!!!
- Tune arriving today
- Where/how to get a tune
- Tune Question??
- where to get a tune near Branson?
- Xcal2 Extreme Tune files, TC lockup schedule
- 4:10 Install & Tune
- Redo Tune???
- Tuning Parameters?
- Any Self tuners?
- Will I need more tuning done?
- Seeking a performance tuning shop in Northern CA
- Seeking a performance tuning shop in New England
- Tune up......
- Last? Tune question.
- ?? I have a Possible Tune Problem, ????
- New, custom tune yields big improvements!
- Anyone have Stock Tune file CRD1?
- rpm shift points?
- Dyno Tune on Long Island, NY
- Altitude and 91 Octane.
- 5 Min from Flashing
- can someone help me with a tuner
- air fuel ratio
- First Dyno
- xcal2 vs xcal3
- Just Picked up 4.10's
- My First Tune
- Which tuner to get?
- Whats the difference in the X-Cal's ?
- F.I.T kit tuning
- Just installed Lidio tune
- Lpg
- Anyone using the sniper?
- Just an FYI
- EGR Delete?
- Update
- Trilogy .xtr file needed
- Updating a tune
- It's Alive, Need Help
- 'Zack' tunes now for sale!
- Livelink log - am I knocking?
- X3 tuner update?
- Twin GT40 Fuel Pump PID's
- Open Loop Fuel Values: Diablosport vs. SCT
- Mirrors
- Anyone able to unlock Xcal2s?
- Transmission tuning
- Close ratio gearset into 4R70W: What to change in the tune?
- an Odd Question.
- Import 4 vs V8
- Laptop to OBDII for upload tunes?
- Stuttering!
- Gears and tunes..
- Base tune for blower
- New Procharger Here
- Question about Trans functions
- Help with Tuner, Tunes, Nos
- HEGO Transport Delay
- datalogging
- Need tune...please help
- what's the best tune sct2 or what?
- Tuner and Emissions.
- Hid
- Anyone know how to "tweak" speedo settings on a SCT9100?
- Tempting tune
- Sct flash
- where is the pcm code located?
- Recurring theme- I am dumb
- Anyone have an extreme tune software manual?
- Correct Odometer and Tuning
- Idle RPM via Xcal2?
- Change Plugs - How Often?
- Best Location to get a Supercharged T-trim Marauder Tuned
- Zack's Tune......
- What programmer to buy???
- got an xcal3 an no idea
- Want to buy a tune
- sct x cal 2
- Tuner HP/TQ Numbers
- Global Spark
- XCal2 and LL3 files
- Lidio vs Reinhart tune
- Just an idea for MPG
- Decent dyno tuner in the c.a.m area
- sct xcal2 .vs. sct x3
- how does lidio(sct) work?
- Zack you did it again!
- Marauder Mod #2: Lidio Tune
- Changes you can make with the XCal2
- questions about getting a tune
- Returning to stock tune with Diablo tuner
- Zack Tune
- Trilogy + Sniper Tuning program
- Urgent Tuning Question
- Old chip removal
- Supercharger idle questions base SCT FIT tune
- Has anyone bought Lidios pretuned SCT yet?Need 2 know before I purchase!
- from diablo to sct
- Thanks for the awsome tune zack
- Dyno Tune vs Pretune.(SCT)
- Another one for Zack
- Laptop Tune?
- SCT Chip question: Unable to pull diagnostic info
- starting trouble after 1 week of sct tune
- Got me a SCT excal 3
- I think i'm screwed!
- Recommended Shift Point
- tuners
- Tuner newbie. ????'s
- I just ordered Lidios tune! CANT WAIT!!
- SCT XCalibrator3
- Which one!
- Anyone using Sniper tuning software?
- HELP with XCAL2
- Diablosport Predator
- Tune upload required after battery swap?
- Want to get my MM tuned
- FYI Bob Kurgan is building his own shop
- SCT3 question...
- Apple (iMac) support?
- Question re: NA tune
- Can this go away?
- Need a Tuner in North Atlanta area
- Xcal 2 problems! HELP!
- No O/D ....
- An evening with timing advance...
- tuning problem
- How do I correct for tire size?
- Can I use this chart for all tire tunes?
- Dyno Tune HP?
- Torque Converter constantly locked up
- sct x2 or x3?
- Tune for vortech
- Update from SCT
- Getting ready to swap
- 4.10s and tunes...
- newbie programer questions.
- Reinhart SCT Tune
- Where To Buy The Tuner
- The Solution to My SCT Tuning Problem: Z-A-C-K!
- Need a Mechanic - CAM area
- e85 tuning
- my vicky 2007 broken sparkplag
- 649hp & 532lb torque on pump gas
- Just got dyno tuned by d.r.
- Trilogy pulley down
- General Tuning questions
- Feedback on Zack Trans Tune
- will i run faster with a dyno tune
- HELP! Xcal2 Recovery Mode
- i want sct tune
- Sct x3 power flash
- MMR Big Bore Stroker NA numbers in.
- what the speed limt for mm 03 and 04
- steeda for my mm
- Need a master of SCT tuning
- Dennis still in business
- Xcal 2 sct 9400 functions
- my MM dyno sheet
- Xcal or Diablosport
- check engine light.
- 4.6 to 5.4 help me please
- Looking for a tune
- nitrous pete is still tuning
- Will a Cobra Diablo Predator work on a Marauder
- Diablo Tuner 2005 Mustang GT
- Throttle Body Spacers
- Dynospeed
- alternative auto tune
- check engine light
- where to buy just a tune
- two codes many problems
- looking for a tune
- SCT tuners for MM
- Air intake
- Scanguage II
- Data Logging on X3
- Throttle Position Sensor
- Which Programmer?
- A Nice Pair
- exhaust reprogram
- tuners
- innovative interceptors
- Installed Lidio tune today SCT X3
- nitrouspete diablo tuner
- change axle from 3.55 to 3.27
- Throttle Body Overbore
- $350 budget...
- Adjusting idling speed
- Wanting to jump in but
- Mail order vs 4-8 hour drive
- adjusting global spark and line pressure
- Police Cars
- Install supercharged
- Peak RPM for Dyno tune?
- Rave: Kurgan Motorsports
- Emisions with Tune
- Shift Point discussion
- First Weekend with lidio's tune
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