View Full Version : Shop for Exhaust Install

10-22-2003, 08:31 AM
Dennis, to keep from repeating myself, here is a post I made from another thread.

Billy, that's the same problem I'm having. I've talked to a number of shops around town in order to find one I really feel comfortable with, whether I go with the Kook's or the Reinhart exhaust. Maybe I'm just paranoid, but I just don't get a good feeling about how cleanly and competently these guys can take out my old system and put on the new one. If it was just replacing a muffler, that's one thing. But especially after reading Logan's description of putting in the Kook's system, loosening motor mounts, taking out or moving aside other components, and putting it all back correctly, I want to know in advance that whoever I am using is a real pro. That's the one thing that has kept me from ordering one of these systems up to this point. Also, the shops I have talked to have not had mandrel benders. In case there is any additional bending that needs to be done when the install is taking place, I want the pipes mandrel bent. If I was in Florida, I could just drive to Dennis' shop and let him do it, but that's quite a drive from Texas!

Dennis, given the above, do you have contact with any shops around Houston that you know to be good places to install your exhaust system? I don't want to buy a quality system and have some butcher mess it up.
One other question. When Logan was posting about installing his Kook's system, he mentioned that you should re-use the OEM steel manifold gasket. Do you suggest the same thing with your system, do you supply a new gasket that you think should be used, or what? While I was originally sold on the Kook's system (and I still think it's great), I'm leaning toward yours because of cost and ease of install. Thanks for the info.

10-23-2003, 02:41 PM
any shop can order mandrel bends and have them the same day. They don't necessarily have to have a Mandrel on site. Just let them know what you want and don't except less.

Dennis Reinhart
10-23-2003, 06:05 PM
Well My exhaust is very simple to install, it can be done in your gargage in a couple of hours, with common hand tools, as far as any shop doing it it should be a piece of cake, but what you may find depending on what State you are in, they may have concerns taking off the OEM cats even if you are replacing them with my high flow cats with X pipe, so I know people in the Houston are give me a call I will see if I can help.

10-25-2003, 05:45 AM
You're welcome to drop by to see and hear my Reinhart exhaust. Just drop me a pm.

I installed it myself. Any exhaust shop should be able to handle it.

10-27-2003, 09:28 AM
why don't you give me a call at the office 713 840 1666. I'd love to see your system. What part of town are you in?

10-27-2003, 09:16 PM
It just dawned on me now, forgive me for misreading all of this exhaust stuff...Ross, BillyG, 2 Many...and y'all...I didn't get it.

The Reinhart exhaust system, whether using "shorty headers" or, "polished manifolds" is a simple bolt-on system. The Kooks system y'all are are using, is not. That requires cutting and welding I am not familiar with, and I didn't get that until now.

I apologize to y'all, I may have mislead a few readers with my advice on "ease of install." I didn't know the difference between the two systems...Sorry.

10-28-2003, 08:14 AM
That's cool, Mac. I've misunderstood so many things that they would fill a couple of books!